Accurate diagnosis of gum disease requires a dental exam by a dentist or dental professional. A periodontal disease exam is part of the regular dental exam by San Diego Dentist Association members and includes checking with a special probe that carefully and gently measures the depth of pockets between teeth and gums, called sulci. A sulcus should be about 3 mm or less and should not bleed. If some are deeper, gum disease may be present.
Periodontal disease is diagnosed by your dentist or dental hygienist during a periodontal examination
A complete gum disease exam takes into account:
- How much bleeding there is
- How deep pockets are
- If there is the movement of teeth
- If inflammation is present
- And more.
After determining which signs are present, the dentist can make a determination about whether you have gum disease or not. If you do, stages include:
Gingivitis. This early stage of periodontal disease means plaque and bacteria have irritated the gums, and this irritation is causing bleeding as well as pain and tenderness. At this stage, the disease is often treated easily.
Periodontitis. As plaque hardens to tartar over time, it accumulates at the gum line, causing gums to pull away, creating deep pockets around teeth. These pockets fill with bacteria that start to erode tissue and perhaps even bone. Gums are irritated and inflamed in the impacted area.
Advanced periodontitis. Involving more tartar, more bacteria, and more severe problems, tissue and bone are further impacted to the point that the bone can’t support teeth, and ligaments are damaged or destroyed. Teeth can be lost if not treated at or before this stage.
With proper diagnosis and treatment by a San Diego Dentist Association member, the prognosis can be good for gum disease.
For a free Gum Disease consultation, call (619) 745-6870.