Fear of going to the dentist – or dental phobia – is among the most common fears. There are many reasons for it, but it’s an irrational concern these days. Dentists are sensible, caring people who go into the profession to help people.
Dental phobia can arise from lack of knowledge, bad experiences in the past, something people have seen or heard or simply a primal, instinctual fear that builds inside us. People put off going to the dentist for months or even years even though they know they need the services that a dental office can provide.
In the worst-case scenarios, patients can develop oral and dental health problems that would not have otherwise happened if they had visited a dentist regularly throughout their lives. This can be both upsetting and expensive.
For patients who experience dental anxiety and need complicated treatment, oral conscious sedation is available from San Diego Dentist Association members and can make the process of getting help easier than you ever imagined.
Benefits Of Oral Conscious Sedation
With oral conscious sedation, you’re neither fully awake nor fully asleep, in most cases. A dentist might suggest this approach to you so you can experience these benefits:
Reduced anxiety and fear. Compassionate dentists see people every day who are trying to overcome dental anxiety. You don’t have to be embarrassed if you haven’t seen a dentist in years. You’re not alone, and oral conscious sedation is among the tools that can make it more appealing for you to get the treatment you need.
Easier treatment. Whether you have sensitive teeth and gums or perhaps a particularly strong gag reflex, oral conscious sedation allows you to relax and maybe sleep through your dental treatment without stress. It’s easier on you and easier on the dentist when you can rest through the treatment and our team can focus on handling the dental procedures you need for a healthy mouth and teeth.
Greater relaxation before and after. People feel comfortable about going to the dentist when they visit an SDDA dentist for an oral conscious sedation appointment. You can stay quiet and calm during your appointment and not feel stress-related symptoms after the appointment either. Instead of a stressful day, you’ll have a break from your hectic life and will be so relaxed after the appointment that you may need to bring someone with you to drive you home.
Fewer dental appointments. Whether you need cavities filled, gum disease treatment or repairs to chipped or cracked teeth, several things can be accomplished at once during an oral conscious sedation dental appointment from one of our San Diego dentists. Extensive procedures that usually take several appointments can often be accomplished in a single visit while you’re sedated, reducing significantly your overall time in the chair.
Taking The Fear From Dental Treatment
You may think that the idea of conscious sedation for a dental procedure is a bit frightening, but it couldn’t be simpler or safer. When you get oral conscious sedation from your San Diego dentist, the dentist gives you a pill that contains a small amount of medicine that is known to cause people to sleep. But with this small dose, most people don’t fall asleep and instead are simply relaxed and destressed. You experience less awareness of stressors happening around you. This small amount of medicine is often less harmful than the large spike in natural body chemicals that results from fear.
Conscious sedation is also a painkiller, reducing the need for other painkillers. If you don’t want chemicals or other foreign things in your body, this method means fewer chemicals than most other approaches to anesthesia and pain management. Sedation relaxes muscles too, reducing another source of pain during medical, dental and other potentially traumatic experiences.
If you don’t experience stress or fear of going to the dentist, you may not need oral conscious sedation and will do better with other forms of anesthesia and pain management. On the other hand, if simply visiting a dental office causes you a high level of panic that generates nausea, fainting or panic attacks, your dental office can discuss with you by phone or email other options that may be better suited to your needs.
If you experience nervousness when visiting a dental office even though you understand that it’s necessary, please contact an SDDA dentist before visiting their office to see what option might be best for you. Everyone is different, of course, but oral conscious sedation is the right solution for many apprehensive and fearful patients.
The worst-case scenario is that you ignore your dental symptoms because you’re too anxious, fearful, or concerned about going to see a dentist to even make the first appointment. That could very easily lead to expanding oral health problems that will take longer to treat, mean many more dental office visits, and could cost you more money.
San Diego Dentist Association members deal with dental anxiety every day and offer conscious sedation as one alternative way to treat you that can reduce stress and anxiety. Find out if it’s right for you by reaching out today. No matter your situation, there’s a way to get the treatment you need and deserve.
To find out if oral conscious sedation is a good option for you, call (619) 745-6870 for a free consultation.