When decay or other problems impact the health and function of a tooth, the simplest option for safe, long-lasting restoration is often a tooth-colored composite filling. Dental fillings involve removing areas of damage or decay to prevent further deterioration, then replacing the missing part with a biocompatible composite material that looks and works like the tooth did before the damage.

The San Diego Dentist Association member you choose as your dentist can discuss dental filling options with you. Some large areas of decay or damage need other types of restorations, and in some cases you may have several options.

Composite fillings contain no harmful materials and are safe over the long term. They are also durable and strong, often lasting for many years. They’re sometimes the right choice for these situations:

  • A small or medium-sized filling because of decay
  • Certain types of chips or cracks in teeth
  • Wear on a tooth from use or grinding
  • And other situations as recommended by your dentist.

What’s Involved In Getting A Composite Filling?

After you and your dentist have determined that a composite resin filling is the right choice, the filling can be completed in one appointment, perhaps the same appointment as the consultation. Numbing with anesthetic is often required, but not always. After the decay is removed, the area is cleaned and a medicine may be applied to prevent infection. The dentist then applies the composite material, shapes it and hardens it with a special light. They will check the bite and function of the tooth and can grind away a small portion of the filling to adjust the bite for comfort if necessary.

For large or deep fillings, sensitivity to cold or hot foods for a few days is normal, but this usually goes away. After that, you won’t notice the filling at all. Your dentist will explain good oral hygiene to you to help the filling stay in good condition and your natural teeth stay as healthy and decay-free as possible.

To learn more about composite fillings, reach out to an SDDA dentist now. For fillings and more, they’re the top San Diego dentists and want the best for you.


If you would like to discuss the possibility of getting composite fillings, call (619) 745-6870